Get started faster by importing existing knowledge

After listening to feedback from some of our users telling us about the barrier of getting their existing knowledge into the right format, we have improved our import so you can get going faster.

Our new bulk import will support websites links and file uploads (pdf, txt, docx, xlsx) and break down content into articles for your users. We are sure that this will then mean time can be better spent to validate knowledge that users will be searching.

More information on our plans is available here:

Quality of Life Improvements

- We have made it quicker to import straight from creating a new knowledge base
- You can now have articles 'non-searchable'. This is useful if you want to set up a decision tree process that requires users to follow a process rather than skip to certain steps.
- Sign on with your Google account now - it is one less password to remember!
- We have tweaked the reports so they look a bit better and they are quite a bit faster as well!